Retreats, Silent and Sabbatical Resources, Podcasts, Blogs

Sand Springs, OK: Osage Forest of Peace
The Osage Forest of Peace is an interspiritual contemplative retreat center. We are a sanctuary for those seeking silence and solitude. The staff is comprised of a resident community of people from a variety of spiritual and religious backgrounds. We value simplicity, compassion and diverse approaches to the Sacred. Osage Forest of Peace provides an environment that is supportive of all those who desire to engage in “dialogue of the heart” through prayer and meditation.
We invite you to join us in our daily schedule of sitting meditation and communal prayer. People visit the Forest for both short and extended retreats. We also offer programs and weekend workshops that support contemplative practices. We look forward to welcoming you to the Forest.
The Osage Forest of Peace is an interspiritual contemplative retreat center. We are a sanctuary for those seeking silence and solitude. The staff is comprised of a resident community of people from a variety of spiritual and religious backgrounds. We value simplicity, compassion and diverse approaches to the Sacred. Osage Forest of Peace provides an environment that is supportive of all those who desire to engage in “dialogue of the heart” through prayer and meditation.
We invite you to join us in our daily schedule of sitting meditation and communal prayer. People visit the Forest for both short and extended retreats. We also offer programs and weekend workshops that support contemplative practices. We look forward to welcoming you to the Forest.
Coyle, OK: St. Francis of the WoodsThe seed out of which St. Francis of the Woods grew germinated during a solitary walk along the Ocean at a turning point in the life of Bishop John R.C. Adair. After serving as a priest and Presiding Bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church in America for over twenty years, he was discouraged, deeply perplexed, and felt and inner urging to move on. Reflecting on readings from a recent gift, Catherine de Hueck Doherty’s book, Poustinia, there came a rush of tears—a sure sign of the Spirit’s presence and guidance. In time, his troubled spirit was renewed and energized by a vision of personal ministry through the creation of a shelter for spiritual seekers, inspired by the model of a poustinia. In Russian Orthodox tradition, a poustinia is a room or shelter set aside where travelers and pilgrims are welcomed to enable a time apart for prayer and inner reflection.
Guided by a Franciscan belief that nature teaches about the Divine, John found this beautiful sacared site to estabilish his poustinia. In 1976 construction began on the Farm House, which he dedicated to providing a shelter “for anyone God sends along.” In 1978, John married Kay Kerr. She shared his vision of poustinia and the two worked together to build this place of welcome. St. Francis of the Woods is inspired by the love and respect St. Francis had for all creation. We are home to beautiful moss-covered walking trails meandering through woods of cedar, oak, and hickory. The walking trail has benches along the way for rest and meditation. Stations of the Cross icons near the benches can be used for a guided mediation walk. St. Francis of the Woods cares for 500 acres of diverse Oklahoma landscape. Near the Library, the grounds feature the Bishop John R.C. Adair Memorial Arboretum and duck pond. We exist to provide a place for study, meditation, rest, and renewal. |
Online: A Healing Space Blogby Matt Licata
Matt Licata, PhD is a psychotherapist, author, and teacher, with clients and students worldwide. For 25 years, he has been on the forefront of the dialogue between therapeutic and contemplative approaches to healing and spiritual transformation. He mentors students seeking graduate degrees in psychology and spirituality, and is editor of A Healing Space, a blog dedicated to the exploration of the journey of embodied spirituality in contemporary life. On Being is the home of the Civil Conversations Project, an emergent approach to new conversation and relationship across the differences of our age. On Being’s listeners, readers, and online communities cross boundaries that separate them in the culture at large: generational, socioeconomic, political, religious. They report that On Being equips them to relate in fresh, new ways to different others, and emboldens them to engage in new kinds of service.
Krista first created the show — originally called Speaking of Faith — at Minnesota Public Radio/American Public Media. It launched on weekly, public radio stations across the U.S. in 2003. In 2013, On Being transitioned to an independent production (Krista Tippett Public Productions) on Loring Park in Minneapolis. |
Sequim, WA: Living CompassionThe Zen Peace Monastery
The Monastery focuses on sustainable living. It uses solar power for electricity, supplemented by a propane generator, and maintains two large organic gardens. Retreats and workshops will be offered starting in Summer of 2023 on a wide variety of subjects under the guidance of Zen teacher Cheri Huber. Most are open to anyone who wishes to participate, some are more suitable for those new to Zen practice, and some are designed for the more experienced meditator. The usual format for these events includes periods of facilitated group discussion, meditation, meals, and free time. Often, there are periods of silent working meditation in which participants might, for example, help in the kitchen, work in the extensive gardens, or assist in a building project. |